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I just saw that and thought, 'I can do that'... I don't think it takes much to make someone's day or make things a little better for someone... Whether it's this or something else, I do hope I'm making a difference to help other people think about ways they can help.​

     -CTC Participant Michelle Chance-Sangthong

I wanted to do more. Something that allowed people the freedom of personal choice and the dignity that comes from not having to qualify for aid or be exposed to sometimes well-meaning but smug donators.

           -Chase the Chill Organizer, Susan Huxley


Not all shelters are open throughout the night so this way it’s there for them if they need it. It’s hard to believe something as simple as a hat or scarf is considered a luxury item but for some people it really is.

                            -CTC Participant Carrie Sexton



an annual

happening with

a cause

Chase the Chill has come to Vermont!


Bitter cold temps taking over North America has prompted this Pay-It-Forward scheme to help strangers keep warm. You will begin to see scarves draped around the area in public spaces with a note explain that these items are there for the taking. This “scarf bombing” event was started in Easton Pennsylvania by a group called Chase the Chill, which describes itself as “an annual graffiti/yarn bombing event that distributes scarves in public places so that those in need – regardless of income and without any qualifiers – can help themselves.”


Mission: Celebrating the art and beauty of knitting and crocheting, building community, generating positive interest in a location, and sharing with others.


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